Saturday, September 02, 2006

i always believe that if i study hard enough.

i always believe that
if i study hard enough
there's no doubt that i'll be a flat 4 student
not going to the exam hall empty headed
finish up my ink in the exam,(and then raise my hand and ask for extra pen and paper)
writes like shakespear in my literature
and answers like einstein in my maths paper

that 's the reason why i wouldnt wanna study
cz if i studied and didnt manage to score
that's when i couldnt accuse my laziness
to be responsible for my (poor)result anymore

then id have nothing else to blame.

1 comment:

Rileen Aya said...

you could always say you just needed 1 more mark to get to 4 flat. :P

im still pretty frustrated by ur sms reply. in the midst of my pain, u brought me frustration and joy. hahaha