Saturday, May 10, 2008


we all hate lies
but we tend to lie
this is like Darren who dislikes the mango (another fruit)
but love to drink the mango juice from "The Only Mango Juice" in Portuguese Settlement

the only good thing about lying is it can be good or bad
lying can be harmless,
like some dude who boast about his savings
or some chick who lied to everyone including herself about her weight

it is just another voice resembled with our vocal chords
and uttered through our mouth
sometimes lying is way too easy
its like turning ur head to the left side and twisting ur fingers
lying is a reflex, always
its like avoiding a punch or pulling back from boiling water

there were so many reasons to lie
but not many reasons not to
that is why i lied,
you lied,
we lied. :)

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