Wednesday, December 31, 2008


if i could summarize my 2008 into one word

i would not.

and i decided to throw away all the "resolutions", they never pan out anyway
i haven't even publish the post i wrote for new year 2008

did you lost the weight?
did you stopped smoking?
read that book?


New Year’s resolutions are a way of convincing yourself that you deserve a brand new start after a shitty year. they rarely become reality,

so get rid of them now.

Happy New year my friends.


盈盈美代子 said...

There's always a hope in the brand new year, and it's always the good one!

Happy New Year!! =)

Anonymous said...

2008 can never be summarized into a word unless that word is "interesting" or "awesome"

resolutions and recaps are different.

you could mention how awesome your first half of 2008 was with me and how terrible it was without me on the other half :P

i miss youuuuuuuuu and i will see you VERY VERY VERY SOONNNNNN

:) happy new year my dearest ah ren