Tuesday, January 05, 2010


frames, i hate the idea.
i remember the old times when we were in the art class,
when the art teacher want us to paint beaches
it always has to be a coconut tree, a golden sandy beach, blue sky with cotton white clouds, two mountain with a sun peaked in between, matchstick birds, and a beach ball.
that piece of heaven is framed in a 12 x 8 A0 Paper.
thats it.
who prototyped us all ?
the wall could be my canvas
ketchup could be my paint
imagination could be my paintbrush
you could be my blue skies
who set the rule that paintings have to be square in shape?
do you live in a frame that life given you?

sorry, im in.


ah ling said...

wats ur frame?

dcdarren said...

hi ah ling,

thanks for leaving comment for the first time.

im living in a small blue frame, half trasparent. but i get to come out occasionally.

rozrej said...

haha..i do remember that kind of painting as well.damn true.