Saturday, November 26, 2005

Listen to me.

maybe writing is the only way to share my thoughts , i think.

because im useless, helpless if i dont write.
when i dont write, im just another walking corpse with eyes opened.
when i dont write, im just like a man without an identity , feeling unclear about himself, unclear about things happened around him , unclear about love, unclear about ppls. i might get lost in the world of complicated emotions.

so,i know i must write, to live.

izzit happy to write ? i ask myself.

NO, writing only can make ppl feel peaceful, the chaotic type of peaceful. like a foodchain under the sea, like the dark clouds hidden behind the rainbow, like a war under the lovely town. it's a never-ending confusion lies within the beautiful mind of the writer. awakening the nightmare in ur deepest thought while putting them together with the angels in ur soul.
Imagine ure controlling so many things in your writing and in the mean time ure controlled by all the things ure writing bout, at that very moment u fell into a situation, into the world of your imagination, which when this minute it feels like heaven and the next might hurts like hell.

but no matter what the feeling is, certainly it's not meant to be happiness.

I write to record. to put down wat i had in mind ( if only we can do it like Mr.Dumberdoor (x) in Harry Potter). to give my missing soul a softer place to land. and i write, as a prove of my existance.

so no matter wat kinda mood swing brought me here writing today, here i started or should i say CONTINUE writing down my luxurious adventure. the fabulous adventure of my heart & soul.


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