Saturday, July 01, 2006

a movie date.

a date for movie
it's the only thing of the day i can look foward to
it doesnt matter.
whter its a million dollar production
or its just an odd film
under the dimmed lights
infront of the giant screen
ure the one ive been watching throughout the hours
everylittle things u do distract me from the movie
even its giggles, or cough or a smile on ur face
can be nicer to watch than any of the scene playing in the room
*I only want to concentrate
in you.
ive seen alot movie stars on the screen
but why
for the very moment,
none of them is better looking
than the one sitting right beside me now
when a friend asked me about the story line,
i dont think i can even tell them what ive watched
coz the reason im on a movie date
is not the movie :p
its you.
*they wouldnt understand why.
a date for movie
seems like its the only tommorow i can look foward to
next time when we're on a date for movie
would you let me noe
whether im the only one distracted?
would you?

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