Tuesday, July 18, 2006

the staircase of my apartment.

the elevator was out of service
so i used the stairs
the stairs where we used to step on once upon a time
every steps i take
still reminds me of you
the reason why u take the stairs even the elavator is functioning
the staircase lights tat flickers in that night
and the staircase which seemed too narrow for us to walk together
still reminds me,
of us.
im back to the staircase again
i want to count every steps i took
i swear i knew what im doing
but the journey seems too long for me to remember all the little reasons that brought me here.
the staircase in my apartment
it's only 4th floor
but why
it felt like it'll never end
sometimes it's like a never ending staircase
i dont know when i'll reach the place i wanted to go
-- - - - -
one step, two steps, three steps..
and still going..

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