Sunday, July 30, 2006


can i give my body and soul to two different ppl ?
if the soul have to touch the other souls over and over again to understand its perfect mate
y cant the body continue to search for its other half ?
do u understand?
do you understand that ive understood
when ure not by my side,
i can imagine that ure just right here beside me
the feeling is so real, i can even touch and feel you
ure so close to me, cz ur soul is with me
but sometimes when ure with me,
our souls can be so tensed up, and even frozen in ice,
or lingering somewhere else,with someone else

arent body and soul are meant to be, are supposed to be together ?
how could you broke it into two?
i'll be waiting for the day when they find each other again.

1 comment:

Pook said...

soul, we use to feel ; body, we use to touch~ :) so if got body but without soul..then will be like touching without any feeling...